

发表日期: 2024-06-04


研究所的活细胞工作站系统 (GE DeltaVision Elite),现在A322,将邀请徕卡应用工程师于近期进所培训。

GE DeltaVision Elite 利用宽场反卷积显微成像技术(DCV)对显微镜下的生物样本,解析并重建出高分辨图像。可用于多色荧光成像采集分析。该系统包含光学系统的多重改进,结合先进自动对焦系统,使得整个系统在多方面适合片载样本如固定细胞或组织切片的图像采集。



根据课题组需求,计划于2024 年6月 14日(周五)下午,开展理论与上机培训,请各课题组、中心依据需求报名。


1. 为了保证培训质量暂定9人,每个课题组一个名额,同组内先报先得。

2. 上机操作培训,近3个月内需要使用该仪器开展实验的人员。


1. 理论及上机培训:6月14日下午2:00—3:30,地点:A322,集中中文培训。

2. 自带样品答疑:6月14日下午3:30—4:30, 地点:A322。



联系人:赵璟  办公室:A314  电话:54923033 电子邮箱: jzhao1@siii.cas.cn



Training Notice for DCV Microscope System

There is a set of inverted DCV Microscope System (GE DeltaVision Elite) in room A322 of Analytical Core Facility. We will arrange training sessions by LEICA application engineer recently.

GE DeltaVision Elite used image deconvolution microscopy (DCV) to discriminate the finest level of biological samples under microscope and analyze or reconstruct their high-resolution images. It can be used for multi-fluorescence imaging acquisition analysis. At the same time, the system includes multiple improvements to the optical system, combined with an advanced autofocus system, making the entire system suitable for slide samples, such as fixed cells and tissue sections.

The experimental personnel must participate in theoretical course, hands-on training, and pass the assessment before obtaining authorization. It’s necessary to reserve the device on SAMP website. Analytical core facility plans to hold a training in the afternoon of 14th Jun. 2024(Friday). All are requested to register according to your needs. More training will be arranged according to demand.

Application scope

1. In order to ensure the quality of training, Only 9 persons can take part in the training sessions. One quota for each group.

2. Hands-on training, personnel who need to use the instrument to carry out experiments in the next 3 months.

Training arrangements

1. Training in Chinese: 2024/6/14 2:00—3:30 p.m. Location:A322

2. Self-sample Run and Q&A: 2024/6/14 3:30—4:30 p.m. Location:A322

Ways of registration

Scan the QR code to fill in the registration form. Registration deadline: 1:00 pm. 14th Jun. 2024.

Contact: Jing ZHAO (Office: Room A314) Tel:54923033  Email: jzhao1@siii.cas.cn

Public Technical Service Center

Analytical Core Facility
