

发表日期: 2024-06-04


纳米粒度电位分析仪Zetasizer Pro可以提供两种光散射技术: 动态光散射(DLS)和电泳光散射(ELS)。可以测量散射光的频率和强度来确定材料的粒度和电荷。该信息通常用于缩短胶体(包括蛋白质)和乳液配方的开发时间并提高其稳定性,以及评估体系中的团聚水平。该设备的核心功能包括粒径分析、Zeta电位测量和分子量测定等。


1. 纳米材料:进行纳米颗粒的粒径分布和稳定性分析。

2. 药物研发:在药物递送系统中,评估纳米载体的粒径和Zeta电位。

3. 分析蛋白质和其他生物大分子的尺寸和电荷特性,优化配方和提高稳定性。

4. 评估胶体颗粒和悬浮物的特性。

5. 研究乳液、悬浮液和聚合物溶液的粒度分布和稳定性,优化工艺和产品性能。



13:00-17:00,A308, 上机操作

课程讲师: 马尔文帕纳科  李航伟






Training Notice for Nanoparticle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer

The Nanoparticle Size and Zeta Potential Analyzer Zetasizer Pro provides two light scattering techniques: Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Electrophoretic Light Scattering (ELS). By measuring the frequency and intensity of scattered light, it can determine the size and charge of materials. This information is often used to shorten the development time of colloid (including protein) and emulsion formulations and to enhance their stability, as well as to assess the level of aggregation in the system. The core functions of the device include particle size analysis, zeta potential measurement, and molecular weight determination.

The device is widely used for:

1. Conducting nanoparticle size distribution and stability analysis.

2. Drug development: Evaluating the size and zeta potential of nanocarriers in drug delivery systems.

3. Analyzing the size and charge characteristics of proteins and other biomolecules to optimize formulations and improve stability.

4. Evaluating the properties of colloidal particles and suspensions.

5. Studying the size distribution and stability of emulsions, suspensions, and polymer solutions to optimize processes and product performance.

Training time and location:


10:00-11:30, A201, Theoretical Training

13:00-17:00, A308, Operation training

Speaker: Hangwei Li, Malvern Panalytical

Registration method: Please register as an unit of the research group to jshao@siii.cas.cn. Due to venue limitations, training will be grouped based on the number of applicants.

Registration deadline: 17:00, June 10, 2024

Contact: Jiang Shao, 54923036

Technology Foundation Support Center

Analytical Core Facility
