
公共技术服务中心系列培训2022年第十一期:生物大分子相互作用系统(Biacore T200)培训

发表日期: 2022-10-17

新设备-生物大分子相互作用系统(Biacore T200)培训通知

  研究所新购置了生物大分子相互作用系统(Biacore T200)已安装在A308Biacore T200是一款基于表面等离子共振(SPR)技术的生物分子相互作用分析系统,具备实时检测、无需标记、卓越的灵敏度、可靠的数据质量等特点,能够应用在结构生物学、医学、药学、微生物学、分子机制、药物研究、信号传导、转录调控、未知互作因子发现等多个研究领域。Biacore能够检测的分子类型十分丰富,包括小分子化合物、蛋白、核酸、多糖等几乎所有的生物分子。 


  1. 灵敏度可达到0.03 RU,能够检测更小的分子、更低的信号; 

  2. 通量高,单次可筛选384个样品; 

  3. 蛋白消耗量低,蛋白的固定仅需20ug以内的蛋白; 


  1. 分子间结合的特异性; 

  2. 分子间亲和力KD、动力学(kakd)检测; 

  3. 热力学检测; 

  4. 直接对临床标本、组织,细胞匀浆等复杂标本进行分析; 

  5. 针对不同药靶筛选药物分子; 

  6. 垂钓回收功能,由已知分子从混合物中发现未知互作因子。 


  1. 理论培训不限范围; 

  2. 上机操作培训,近3个月内需要使用该仪器开展实验的人员; 

  3. 申请上机操作培训者,必须已参加理论培训。 



  09:30-11:30 理论培训 A201报告厅  

  13:00-13:30 设备硬件与软件介绍 

  13:30-17:00 上机实验(CM5芯片直接偶联法,检测蛋白-蛋白的互作) 


  09:30-10:00 数据分析与结果展示介绍 

  10:00-10:30 仪器维护讲解与关机讲解 

  10:30-11:30 答疑与其他实验设计 




  联系人:邵将 A314 





Training notice of new equipment Biacore T200

The newly purchased biomacromolecule interaction system (Biacore T200) has been installed in A308. Biacore T200 is a biomolecular interaction analysis system based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) technology. It has the characteristics of real-time detection, label free, excellent sensitivity, reliable data quality, etc. It can be applied in structural biology, medicine, pharmacy, microbiology, molecular mechanism, drug research, signal transduction, transcriptional regulation, discovery of unknown interaction factors and other research fields. Biacore can detect a wide range of molecular types, including small molecule compounds, proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides and almost all biological molecules. 


1. The sensitivity can reach 0.03 RU, which can detect smaller molecules and lower signals; 

2. High flux, 384 samples can be screened at a single time; 

3. The protein consumption is low, and the protein fixation only requires less than 20ug of protein. 

Main functions: 

1. The specificity of intermolecular binding; 

2. Detection of intermolecular affinity (KD) and kinetics (ka & kd); 

3. Thermodynamic detection; 

4. Direct analysis of clinical samples, tissues, cell homogenates and other complex samples; 

5. Screening drug molecules for different drug targets; 

6. Fishing recovery function, using known molecules to find unknown interaction factors from the mixture. 

Registration requirements: 

1. Theoretical training is not limited, and you can sign up freely; 

2. Operation training: personnel who need to use the equipment to carry out experiments in the next 3 months; 

3. Applicants for operation training must have participated in theoretical training. 

Training schedule: 

Day 1: October 25, 2022(Tue.)  

09:30-11:30 Theoretical Training  A201 Lecture Hall 

13:00-13:30 Introduction to hardware and software of Biacore T200 

13:30-17:00 Operation training (Detection of protein protein interaction by CM5 chip direct coupling method) 

Day 2: October 26, 2022 (Wed.) 

09:30-10:00 Data analysis and result presentation 

10:00-10:30 Explanation of instrument maintenance and shutdown 

10:30-11:30 Q&A 


In order to ensure the training quality, the operation training will be grouped according to the enrollment. Please scan the QR code to fill in the application form by the research group. 

Deadline: 17:00 p.m., October 21, 2022 (Friday) 

Contact: Jiang Shao, A314 


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