公共仪器与测试分析平台超高分辨液质联用仪(QE plus)安装在A328,计划将于下周二至周三(9月20日-9月21日)开展蛋白质组学培训,为期2天。培训内容安排如下:
联系人:秦玉娇 A314
Proteomics training
The ultra-high resolution liquid mass spectrometry (QE plus) of the Instrumental Analysis Platform is installed in A328, and proteomics training is planned to be carried out from next Tuesday to Wednesday (September 20 to September 21) for two days. The training contents are arranged as follows:

1.The morning of September 20 is the basic theory training, with no limit on the number of people. Interested users are welcome to sign up to participate;
Registration connection https://www.wjx.cn/vm/PLUD1at.aspx or scan the two-dimensional code below to register.
2. The number of applicants for the operational training on the afternoon of September 20 and the software training on September 21 is limited to 10, and only users with actual samples are allowed to participate. Interested participants are requested to download and fill in the attached registration form, which is signed by the leader of the research group and submitted to Yujiao Qin (A314) before 12:00 a.m. on September 19, 2022.
Contact: Yujiao Qin (A314)
Public Technology Service Center
Instrumental Analysis Platform