1. 介绍宽场还原型反卷积技术的应用
2. 介绍宽场还原型反卷积技术的原理和样品制备
主讲人: 童昕--徕卡显微系统应用工程师
Application of wide field deconvolution technique in living cell imaging
As the world's first high-end high-resolution imaging system for living cells, DeltaVision system adopts the leading reduced deconvolution imaging technology, which improves the resolution and sensitivity of the wide field microscope to a new level, and keeps the phototoxicity and light quenching to a minimum while obtaining the same high resolution as laser confocal imaging, Therefore, it is especially suitable for high-resolution imaging of living cells for a long time and fluorescence imaging of fixed samples, especially for small, dark and living samples. High resolution living cell imaging system is mainly used in cell biology, microbiology and virology. Its excellent ability to detect intracellular vesicles and other micro structures and weak signals has greatly expanded the breadth and depth of scientific research.
Lecture content:
1. Introduce the application of wide field reduction deconvolution technology.
2. Explain the principle of wide field reduction deconvolution and sample preparation.
Lecturer: Xin Tong, Application engineer of Leica Microsystems
Time: 13:30-15:00, June 18, 2021
Venue: A201 lecture hall
Public Technical Platform Office
Instrumental Analysis Center