研究所新购置的高通量液体纯化系统(sptlabtech, Dragonfly crystal)和纳升级液体工作站(sptlabtech, Mosquito Xtal3)已安装在A308。
Mosquito是专门为蛋白结晶筛选所设计和开发的快速、精准、稳定的纳升级液体处理设备 ,使用一次性固相置换加样针,Mosquito能在极低的体积下准确处理任何粘度和表面张力的液体,避免交叉污染的发生。帮助研究人员节约珍贵的样本或试剂,大幅降低试剂成本并节省实验时间,提高实验通量。适用于蛋白结晶筛选中的所有应用包括坐滴、悬滴、油滴、添加剂等。
适用功能:Dragonfly适用于单次加样0.5 μL - 4 mL,制备各种复杂的溶液组合以及配比,适用15, 24 (SBS和Linbro), 48, 96 及 384等板型;Mosquito适用于单次加样25nL - 1200nL,对蛋白样品、筛选液的精确吸取和移液,适用48, 96, 384, 1536 孔板,兼容多种SBS型的座滴板。
New Devices Notification
Two new devices Dragonfly crystal (sptlabtech) & Mosquito Xtal3 (sptlabtech) had been installed in room A308.
Dragonfly is applied to the optimization, amplification and screening of protein crystallization conditions. It can easily, quickly and accurately prepare various combinations and ratios of complex crystallization screening conditions, and realize different protein crystallization experimental conditions such as detergents, Concentration gradients of ions and proteins increase the likelihood of successful crystallization, and dragonfly works with mosquito to shorten the period from the initial "hit" to high-resolution diffraction crystals.
Mosquito is a fast, precise, and stable nanoliter liquid handling device specially designed and developed for protein crystallization screening. Using a single-use solid phase displacement pipetting needle, mosquito can accurately handle any viscosity and surface tension at very low volumes. liquid to avoid cross contamination. Help researchers save precious samples or reagents, greatly reduce reagent costs, save experimental time, and improve experimental throughput. Suitable for all applications in protein crystallization screening including sitting drop, hanging drop, oil drop, additives, etc.
Service function: Dragonfly is suitable for single injection of 0.5 μL - 4 mL, preparing various complex solution combinations and ratios, suitable for 15, 24 (SBS and Linbro), 48, 96 and 384 plate types; Mosquito is suitable for single injection 25nL - 1200nL, accurate pipetting of protein samples and screening solutions, suitable for 48, 96, 384, 1536 well plates, compatible with a variety of SBS type seat drop plates.
All Welcome to use it. There is no centralized training temporarily, please booking time with Jiang Shao (A314).
Public Technology Service Center
Instrumental Analysis Platform
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高通量液体纯化系统 (sptlabtech, Dragonfly crystal) |
纳升级液体工作站 (sptlabtech, Mosquito Xtal3) |