

发表日期: 2022-11-02


  研究所内一台超高分辨显微镜(ZEISS Elyra7)安装在A326,一台激光显微切割仪(ZEISS PALM MicroBeam)安装在A324。将安排蔡司技术应用专家于2022.11.11上午入所做相关原理与应用的理论培训。 

  Zeiss Elyra7 利用结构光照明显微成像技术(SIM)对显微镜下的生物样本,辨析并重建出超精细的亚细胞器级别的结构。使用点阵模式的晶格状栅格照明使得SIM成为了理想的活细胞成像技术。晶格照明的光子效率得到了大幅提升,在提高成像速度的同时,也能获得更高的对比度和更低的光漂白。 

  Zeiss PALM 利用紫外激光对显微镜下的生物样本(组织切片、细胞簇、单细胞、染色体及染色体片断等)进行切割和分离,然后通过弹射装置将目的细胞收集于EP 管内。在显微镜直视下快速准确地分离单一细胞亚群,直接获取目的细胞,适用于冰冻切片、石腊切片、细胞涂片等。 







  20221111 上午9:30-10:30 光学显微镜成像原理和超高分辨率成像技术介绍(包括明场,宽场荧光,激光共聚焦以及Elyra7)以及结构光照明超高分辨率显微镜的应用(SIM 

  20221111 上午10:45-11:30 激光显微切割原理和应用 





Training Notice for Principle and Application of Optical Microscope Systems

There are a set of Super-resolution Microscope System (ZEISS Elyra7) in A326 and a set of Laser Microdissection and Microscope Systems (ZEISS PALM MicroBeam) in A324. We will arrange a Chinese theoretical course by ZEISS technical application on 11th Nov. 2022. 

Zeiss Elyra7 used structured illumination microscopy (SIM) to discriminate the finest level of sub-organelle structures for biological samples under microscope. The sample area is illuminated with a lattice spot pattern to make SIM a preferred live cell imaging technique. The strongly improved photon efficiency of lattice illumination to increase the imaging speed while achieving higher contrast and lower photo dosage. 

Zeiss PALM used ultraviolet laser to cut and separate biological samples (tissue section, cell cluster, single cell, chromosome and chromosome fragment, etc.) under microscope, and then collected the target cells in EP tube by ejection device. Single cell subsets can be quickly and accurately separated under the microscope to obtain target cells, which is suitable for frozen sections, paraffin sections, cell smears, etc. 

The experimenters who use these two sets of equipment must participate in theoretical training, hands-on operation training (those who apply for hands-on training must participate in theoretical training), administrator teaching, and pass the examination. After you sign the letter of commitment for safe operation, you can obtain the operation authority. At present, we use the offline registration double signature system. The use of these two sets of equipment requires reservation registration. 

Application for training requirements 

Theoretical course is not limited, and you can sign up offline. 

Training arrangements 

1. Theoretical course in Chinese: 2022/11/11 9:30-10:30 a.m. Principle of optical microscope and super-resolution technology introduction (Bright field, wide field fluorescence, laser confocal imaging and Elyra7) and application of SIM. 

2. Theoretical course in Chinese: 2022/11/11 10:45-11:30 a.m. Principle and application of ZEISS PALM MicroBeam. 

Location: 201 Report Hall 


Technology Service Center

Instrumental Analysis Platform
