
公共技术服务中心系列培训2022年第六期:Aurora CS全光谱流式细胞分选仪上机培训通知

发表日期: 2022-07-29

Aurora CS全光谱流式细胞分选仪上机培训通知 

  研究所内一台Aurora CS全光谱流式细胞分选仪,现在A304房间,将安排Cytek应用工程师于近期进所培训。因上次设备故障,故重新安排上机培训。参加人员为之前报名的人员。 

  Aurora CS 采用Cytek专利的全光谱分析技术(Full Spectrum ProfilingFSP),独特的光学设计和解析方法能让研究者体会到使用的灵活性,不仅可广泛选择大量新的荧光染料,且无需为每个应用重新定义配置。配置5根激光器、3个散射光通道和64个荧光检测通道,充分发挥Cytek的创新技术优势,兼顾高端分选仪所必备的功能与特性,打造值得期待的高端分选仪器。 



  根据课题组需求,计划于2022 8 23日至825 (周二到周四) 开展上机操作培训。 





  82610:00—16:30, 地点:A304 

  联系人:  办公室:A314  电话:54923033 电子邮箱: jzhao1@ips.ac.cn 




Hands-on Training Notice for Aurora CS Full Spectrum Cytometry System 

There is a set of Aurora CS Full Spectrum Cytometry System in A304. Due to device issues, cytek application engineers will be rescheduled to enter the Institute for the hands-on sessions in the near future. The participants are those who have registered previously. 

The Aurora CS system provides the benefits of Full Spectrum Profiling (FSP) technology. Its optical design and unmixing algorithm provide scientists increased flexibility, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without reconfiguring the system for each application. With five lasers, three scattering channels, and 64 fluorescence channels, the Aurora CS system is designed to leverage the paradigm-shifting technology onboard the Cytek Aurora system and deliver the sorting capabilities you have come to expect in a high-end sorter. 

The experimental personnel must participate in theoretical course online, hands-on training, and pass the assessment before obtaining authorization. We plan to hold a Chinese hands-on training on 23rd –25th August 2022 (Tuesday to Thursday). More training will be arranged according to demand. 

Training arrangements 

1. Hands-on training: 2022/8/23-8/25 10:00a.m.-4:30 p.m. Room: A304 

2. Self-sample Run and Q&A: 2022/8/26 10:00a.m.-4:30 p.m. Room: A304 

Please inform us for Self-sample Run and Q&A in advanced. 

Contact: Jing ZHAO (Office: A314) Tel:54923033  Email: jzhao1@ips.ac.cn 

Public Technology Service Center 

Instrumental Analysis Platform
