
CALL FOR APPLICATION for Institut Pasteur International Network Course 2017

发表日期: 2016-12-21

  International Course of Infectious diseases pathogenesis in Asia/Pacific

  at the Institut Pasteur of Shanghai 


  COURSE DATE: 4th May 2017 – 20th May 2017 


  TOPIC: The TAPPIN 2017 course will focus on infectious diseasescaused by major pathogens including viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, relevant to the East Asia and Southeast Asia regions. The teaching will cover essentialmolecular mechanisms of pathogen life cycle and host responses, epidemiology of infections and functional genetics, novel technologies of pathogen diagnostics and discovery, and systems biology of pathogen infections. This 2-week course will consist of seminars in the morning and practical learning/workshop inthe afternoon. 


  The course encourages close interactions and dialogue between students and teaching staffs. Round-table discussions steered by professors will be devoted to review and discuss topics developed during the courses. Workshops will introduce students to the challenge imposed to public health systems by endemic and pandemic infectious disease outbreaks. Practical learning will be conducted to provide essential knowledge on cutting edge technologies and methodological approaches devoted to the study of infectious diseases. 


  The panel of professors is composed by world-leader scientists from France (Institut Pasteur Paris, French Academy of Sciences, College de France, INSERM), Germany (EMBL Heidelberg), China (IPS, Fudan University, Tsinghua University,Hong-Kong University), Senegal (Institut Pasteur Dakar) and Cambodia (Institut Pasteur of Cambodia). All traveling costs (air ticket, accommodation) of the accepted students will befunded.  




     LEVEL OF THE COURSE and ELIGIBILITY: PhD students, or other qualified candidates 


    LOCATION: Shanghai, CHINA 



  Please complete and return the application form (see below), including two letters of recommendation, apersonal statement, and a copy of passport face page to Caroline Wu (nwu@ips.ac.cn) and Emilie Carlot (emilie.carlot@ips.ac.cn). 


  DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 30th January 2017 


  For more information, please contact:  

  Scientific matters: Fernando Arenzana: farenzan@ips.ac.cn 

  China matters: Caroline Wu – nwu@ips.ac.cn 

  International matters: Emilie Carlot – emilie.carlot@ips.ac.cn  


  About IPS-CAS: 


  Institut Pasteur Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IPS-CAS) is an independent, nonprofit life sciences research institute dedicated to address public health issues in China, other Asian region, and the world. IPS creates synergies between the Institut Pasteur Networks and CAS institutions, leveraging all the assets of Shanghai as one of Asia’s leading business and technology hubs. IPSscientists are engaged in a broad range of basic infectious disease research ranging from viral hepatitis, HIV, respiratory viral infections, emerging viral infections, oncogenic viruses, and other non-viral pathogens.  Together with its academic and industry partners, IPSalso has a strategic goal to develop prototype product in the field of pathogen diagnostics, vaccines and other forms of therapeutics. 

    For more information:  



  About IPIN: 


  The Institut Pasteur International Network (IPIN), a consortium of 33 institutes around the world is linked by the same missions and values. The foundation of IPIN resides in the sustainability of its infrastructures, the involvement of its researchers and the strength of its human resources. The IPIN allows scientists to become involved in research at the heart of endemic areas, to share their knowledge and expertise, and to develop a research group within 4 years. 

    For more information:  


