

发表日期: 2024-01-25



  The Shanghai Institute of Immunity and Infection (SIII) is a research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is determined to serve global public health and is an important force active in the field of global infectious disease prevention and control. Transformational research is an important base for gathering international, high-end talent.

    其中,细菌统计遗传学课题组致力于开发分析大规模基因组数据集的新方法。课题组致力于在从历史、功能、医学、生态和进化的角度理解高度重组的细菌物种的遗传变异的原因和后果。Daniel Falush教授毕业于剑桥大学和伦敦大学学院,并曾在东京大学、马克思普朗克研究所(德国)和牛津大学工作。他在高影响期刊(Science、Nature、PLoS Genetics、ELife)上发表了80多篇论文,并曾获得国家自然科学基金会外籍人才资助等奖项。自2019年以来,一直担任课题组负责人。

  The Unit of Statistical Genetics of Bacteria develops new methods for analyzing large scale genomic datasets. We aim to understand the causes and consequences of genetic variation in highly recombining bacterial species from historical, functional, medical, ecological, and evolutionary perspectives. Prof. Falush graduated from University of Cambridge and University College London, and has worked at the University of Tokyo, the Max Planck Institute (Germany), and the University of Oxford. He has published more than 80 papers in high-impact journals (Science, Nature, PLoS Genetics, Elife) and has been awarded, for example, an NSFC Senior Foreign Talent grant. He has been the group leader of The Unit of Statistical Genetics of Bacteria since 2019.

    统计遗传学单元(负责人:Daniel Falush 教授)正在招聘一名博士后研究员,参与一个跨学科项目,涉及细菌种群生物学/基因组学和分子生物学的交叉领域。我们利用前沿的基因组学分析和空前规模的基因组数据库,已经在人体病原菌副溶血性弧菌(Cui等,2020年,eLife)和幽门螺杆菌(Tourette等,2023年,https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.28.538659)中确定了新的“生态型”。这些“生态型”由一组共进化的基因定义,我们假设这些基因组成了适应环境的策略。我们正在实验室中通过转录组学、大规模表型实验和分子生物学研究这些“生态型”,以表征这些适应策略。

    The Unit of Statistical Genetics of Bacteria (PI: Prof. Dr. Daniel Falush) is recruiting one postdoctoral fellow for an interdisciplinary project at the intersection of bacterial population biology/genomics and molecular biology. We have identified novel "ecospecies" in the human pathogens Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Cui et al. 2020 eLife) and Helicobacter pylori (Tourette et al. 2023  https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.04.28.538659) using cutting edge genomics analysis and genome databases of unprecedented scale. The ecospecies are defined by sets of co-evolving genes that we hypothesize generate strategies for niche adaptation. We are studying these ecospecies in the lab using transcriptomics, large-scale phenotyping, and molecular biology to characterize these strategies.


    Our work in Vibrio has already revealed an ecospecies with strikingly different motility from other strains, in line with the function of co-adapted genes. We are now initiating similar studies with an ancient H. pylori ecospecies that we recently discovered, primarily found in Indigenous human populations and animal adapted lineages, which we hypothesize is adapted to host diet. The recruited postdoctoral fellow to spearhead this project in the lab.

   [招聘岗位] [Recruitment position]

    博士后:(编号DF-P-01)1人   Postdoctorate: (No. DF-P-01) 1 person

工作内容 Work content:

    1. 利用RNA-seq技术生成不同幽门螺杆菌分离株和不同条件下的转录组纲要,并使用已建立的流程分析基因表达差异/共表达,随后进行网络分析;

    Generation of RNA-seq transcriptome compendia encompassing diverse H. pylori isolates and conditions, analysis of differential gene expression/co-expression, and network analysis using established protocols;

    2. 对幽门螺杆菌生态分离株进行大规模表型分析,包括使用表型微阵列、显微镜观察、运动性评估以及细胞相互作用研究;

    Large-scale phenotypic assays of H. pylori ecospecies isolates (phenotypic microarrays, microscopy, motility, cell interactions);

    3. 菌株遗传操作的分子机制剖析;

    Dissection of molecular mechanism using genetic manipulation of strains;

    4. 协助项目负责人完成其他科研相关工作。

    Assist the project leader to complete other scientific research related work.

    应聘条件 Application conditions:

    1. 具有微生物学、生物技术或分子生物学等生物医学相关专业博士学位,年龄不超过35周岁;

    Possess a doctoral degree in biomedicine such as microbiology, biotechnology, or molecular biology, and be under the age of 35;

    2. 具有RNA-seq实验背景及相关数据分析方法或生物信息学背景者优先;

    Those with experimental background in RNA-seq as well as associated data analysis approaches or with a background in bioinformatics are preferred;

    3. 良好的英语读写能力;

    Good English reading and writing skills;

    4. 为人诚实、严谨、踏实,有较强的独立工作能力、责任心和团队合作精神。

    Be honest, rigorous and down-to-earth, with strong independent working ability, sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit.

    科研助理:(编号 DF-RA-01)1 人 Research Assistant: (No. DF- RA -01) 1 person

    工作内容 Work content:

    1. 细菌菌株的培养和 RNA-seq 数据生成

    Cultivation and RNA-seq data generation for bacterial strains

    2. 细菌的遗传操纵和表型分析

    Genetic manipulation and phenotypic analysis of bacteria

    3. 协助课题组长完成其他科研相关工作

    Assist the project leader to complete other scientific research related work.

    应聘条件 Application conditions:

    1. 拥有微生物学、分子生物学或流行病学等生物医学学士或硕士学位

    Possess a bachelor's or master 's degree in biomedicine such as microbiology, molecular biology, or epidemiology

    2. 具有 RNA-seq 和相关数据分析方法实验背景或具有生物信息学背景者优先

    Those with experimental background in RNA-seq and associated data analysis approaches or with a background in bioinformatics are preferred

    3. 具备良好的英文阅读和书写能力

    Those are proficient in English reading and writing

    4. 为人诚信,严谨踏实,富有较强的独立工作能力、责任心和团队合作精神

    Those are honest and careful, with independent working ability, responsibility and strong team spirit.

    [薪酬待遇与职业发展] [Salary package and career development]

  1. 提供具有竞争力的薪酬,缴纳五险两金;

    Provide competitive salaries and pay five insurances and two funds;

  2. 对博士后人员支持申报国家“博士后创新人才支持计划”、中国科学院“特别研究助理资助项目”、“中国博士后科学基金”、上海市“超级博士后”以及国家与上海市各类科技项目、博士后资助项目和各类青年人才项目等10余项;

    Support for postdoctoral personnel Apply for the national "Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Support Program", the "Special Research Assistant Funding Project" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the "China Postdoctoral Science Foundation", Shanghai "Super Postdoctoral" and various national and Shanghai science and technology projects, postdoctoral funding More than 10 projects and various youth talent projects;

  3. 对纳入“中国科学院特别研究助理岗位”管理的博士后、助理研究员,出站或项目结束留所将择优晋升为副高级;

    For postdoctoral fellows and assistant researchers included in the management of "Special Research Assistant Posts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences" , they will be promoted to deputy senior after leaving the station or staying at the end of the project;

  4. 博士后进站即落户上海,出站后留沪工作的博士后、配偶、子女可随迁落户上海。

    Postdoctoral fellows will settle in Shanghai as soon as they enter the station, and postdoctoral fellows, spouses, and children who stay in Shanghai after leaving the station can move and settle in Shanghai.

  [应聘方式] [How to apply]

  请将以下应聘材料以PDF通过电子邮件同时发至daniel.falush@siii.cas.cn, hrips@ips.ac.cn邮箱,邮件标题请注明“病原菌定量基因组学研究组**岗位(岗位编号***)”。初审合格后,将统一通知面试,择优录用。  

    Please send the following application materials in PDF to daniel.falush@siii.cas.cn,  hrips@ips.ac.cn emails at the same time, please indicate "Statistical Genetics of Bacteria** position (job number) in the subject of the email ***)". After passing the preliminary examination, the applicants will be notified for an interview and will be hired based on merit.

  1.  个人简历;


  2.  自荐信,应聘博士后提供推荐信2封(其中一封是博士生导师推荐);

  Self-recommendation letter, 2 recommendation letters ,one of which should be form the candidate's doctoral advisor;

  3.  学历学位证书、身份证或护照扫描件。

  Scanned copy of degree certificate and Chinese ID card or Passport.

