
Sn+ Macrophage Regulates FOXP3+ Treg Expansion during EAE

发表日期: 2009-10-13

Title: Sn+ Macrophage Regulates FOXP3+Treg Expansion during EAE

Speaker: Chuan Wu, Ph.D.
Muenster University, Germany

Time: 4pm-5pm on October 20, Tuesday

Venue: Conference room, 4th floor
Institut Pasteur of Shanghai

Host: Prof. Bin Li

  Dr. Chuan Wu received his Ph.D. in Natural Science in 2009 at the
Institute for Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Muenster
University, Muenster, Germany. During his graduate studies, he
identified a new direct cell-cell interaction based mechanism regulating
the expansion of the Treg cells within the CNS during the immune
response, representing a “dialogue” between Sn+ macrophages and Sn
accessible sialic acid residues on FOXP3+Treg lymphocytes.(Wu C et al,
J Immunol. 2009 May 15; 182(10):6508-16 ). Moreover, Dr. Wu also did
excellent work on the regulation of T cell migration. For instance, he
and his colleagues discovered that endothelial basement membrane laminin
alpha5 selectively inhibits T lymphocyte extravasation into the brain
(Wu C et al Nat Med. 2009 May;15(5):519-27;).

Chuan is an excellent and highly entertaining speaker; so don't miss his
exciting and inspiring talk.

See you there!
