
Sino-German Summer School: New and Old Emerging Viral Infections

发表日期: 2006-07-04
Introduction ·Application ·Contact ·Organizers ·Poster·Course schedule · Tutorial papers · Information of Faculty · List of groups· Lecture outline and text·Photos·MC questions


We cordially invite you to participate in this first Sino-German Summer School which is dedicated to “New and Old Emerging Virus Infections” and is specifically designed to address master students in the field of Life Sciences (e.g. Medicine, Biochemistry, Biology, Molecular Biology etc.) to give an overview concerning the viral diseases mentioned below and to discuss current research topics in this rapidly growing field. This activity is a joint programme organised by partnering academic institutions in Shanghai and Hamburg and will be sponsored by the German Academic Exchange Office (DAAD) as well as the institutions mentioned below. We are very happy to introduce a faculty of renowned speakers from both countries who have largely contributed to their specific field of interest in the past. This Summer School will also provide a valuable tool to extend and further develop scientific partnerships between the partnering institutions in Hamburg and Shanghai and will thus also introduce specific research projects with the aim to enhance technical know how transfer as well as the exchange of interested scientists.

Location: Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address: 411 Hefei Road (South Chongqing Road) Shanghai,
Dates: September 18-30, 2006
Examination: 1. Multiple choice questions; 2. Tutoring paper presentations
Certificate: Certificate will be issued at the end of the School
Language: English


Participation fee: Free of charge (The travel and accommodation of participants from outside Shanghai travel and hotel will not be covered) Participants: Graduate students in master program or over working in basic or applied research, and in academic, clinical, or industrial laboratories are welcome. To enable an efficient interaction between teachers and participants, the School has a limitation on number of participants. 30-40 participants will be selected from applications. Application: Applications with letter in support of application with description of the personal project, CV, a letter of recommendation by the head of laboratory should be sent to chenfw@shb.ac.cn before August 15 for selection.


For more information, please contact:
Institut Pasteur of Shanghai
Li Ming
Tel: +21 6385 0152
Institute of Health Sciences
Zhu Wenjun
Tel: +21 6384 3316
Email: wjzhu@sibs.ac.cn


Hamburg : University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany (UKE)
Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine (BNI)
Heinrich-Pette-Institute for Experimental Virology (HPI)
Shanghai: Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Institute of Health Sciences, Shanghai Institutes for Biological
Sciences/Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine
Shanghai Education Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
