
Pasteur-AREVA Course on “Avian-borne human viruses

发表日期: 2005-11-03


3-9 November 2005

Venue: Institut Pasteur of Shanghai

225 South Chongqing Road, Shanghai, 200025

Migratory birds may carry numerous microbes that may jump into poultry flocks or to other animal species and human population. Recent introduction and subsequent diffusion of West Nile virus in Europe and in the New World, and the emergence of a virulent strain of H5N1 influenza virus in Southeast Asia cause alarming situations. Researches on these viruses should be pursued and developed in the affected countries to better understand the pathogenesis of the viruses and to provide active measures to prevent or to control the diseases. One of the missions of Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is to train scientists on infectious diseases and one of the missions of AREVA is to contribute to activities beneficial to the environment. Therefore, both parties have dealt to collaborate to promote in China activities toward Public Health.

Avian-borne human viruses represent one of the most threatful viruses. Their epidemiology, biology, molecular biology, pathophysiology, diagnostics and vaccines will be described in a comprehensive course taught by renowned experts on bird-borne influenza viruses and flaviviruses. In addition, practical courses on molecular diagnostic methodologies for Influenza and Japanese encephalitis will be dispensed to 20 participants in the training center in Pasteur Institute of Shanghai.

Theoretical course (Open lectures):

Epidemiology; Virology; Pathophysiology; Vaccines

Graduate students, physicians, veterinarians, and microbiologists working in basic or applied research, and in academic, clinical, or industrial laboratories are welcome.

Participant fee: Free of charge

Participants are required to register at this course before October 15th, 2005. For the registration, please click here: REGITRATION FORM for PARTICIPANTS

Contact: Mr. Zhou Xifeng

Shanghai Technology Convention & Exhibition Co., Ltd.

Tel: +8621 52895151ext.105Fax: +8621 52895263



Practical training (20 participants selected on applications): Molecular diagnostics of viruses (influenza and flaviviruses)

Applications with letter in support of application with description of the personal project, CV, two recommendation letters (English version) should be sent to liming@sibs.ac.cnbefore September 30th for selection


Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, CAS Fax: +8621 6384 3571;



Tentative Schedule for open lectures (Morning session)




03/11 Thu

Mertyn Malkinson

Overview of Bird-transmitted diseases

Julie Jacobs

Epidemiology of JEV/West Nile

04/11 Fri

Hans Klenk, Marburg

Molecular biology of Influenza virus

05/11 Sat

Malik Peiris

Bird flu physiopathology in human

Guan Yi

Avian flu molecular epidemiology

07/11 Mon

Vincent Deubel

Molecular Biology of JE/WN

Yu Yongxin

Live-attenuated vaccine against JEV

08/11 Tue

Nicholas JC King

Pathophysiology of JE/WN

Chen hualan

09/11 Wed

Philippe Buchy

Diagnostic of faviviruses
